Sunday, August 31, 2008

2 small fish

I was talking with my best friends little brother rj last night and we’re talking about his big brothers personality and how persistent and dedicated he is on the things that he’s working on. Well having that kind of attitude toward things can bring those little dreams of yours sky rocketing. As we continued talking he shared to me that he finally created a brand name for the shirts that he’s working on, I forgot to say that this kid has a God given talent to make your tee shirts into his own canvas of art inspired by God. Guys watch out for this brand name into your local markets and hopefully soon nationwide, well I don’t know how he will do it but I believed and I know God will blessed this kid as he share his talent with others, keep up the good work rj!!! Oh I forgot, the brand name is called 2 Small Fish. Well obviously I asked rj what is the story behind his tee shirts brand. “It’s about one of the most inspiring story in the Bible, a little kid who shared his 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish and then from those 5 loaves and 2 fish Jesus fed all the people who are their during that time. The catch is, it’s about giving your talent or your everything to God and many people will be blessed just like what that little boy did, he shared.” He explained. Hmmmm 2 small fish indeed is a cool name with a deeper meaning supporting it. So guys always remember to share your talents with others just like that little boy, you’ll be blessed by God!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

KuritPinta's first

I welcome myself, KuritPinta to my first blog. Congratulations!! I am not a blogger or a good writer so am not into this, just lately that I noticed that its nice to write on something or anything that interest me or something about technology, gadgets etc...thanks to yugatech, though i dont know him personally I always dig into his reviews on current tech and gadgets...anyways though I dont have enough time to write into my first blog am just going to make everything in here short. I am currently unemployed. Yes I am unemployed (I dont have a stable job) but am working as a freelancer to sustain my hobbies, my gadgets and needs. I am a freelance IT consultant, web developer and graphic artist. I am part of a group of developers, we just form our group officially August 1, 2008 (am not sure though) more or less within the middle of july and august of this year. We already start working with some local projects and hopefully soon we are going to have our own clients and office. We will just take everything one step at a time, its going to be a long road...until here for now, see you on my next blog...Am going home now and sleep after 12 hours of work..sayonara!!!